Monday 29 September 2014

Getting Crafty

Hello! Just a little post to showcase some crafting I got up to the other day - it was great I felt like I was five again and, to be honest,  the items I have created look like they have been made by a five year old (in the best way possible). Taking pieces of furniture and sticking random colourful stuff to them can be a great way of personalising otherwise generic items - this is particularly useful if you don't want to spend a load of money but still want something unique, which is exactly what I'm after as a student. I'm currently in the middle of decorating my new room and these are just a couple of items I am using to make it more 'me'. I bought both a mirror and a box to store my makeup from B&M Bargains and then went to town with the PVA glue, here are the results...

For the mirror I simply stuck pom-poms all around the edge using UHU glue - simple but, I think, pretty effective (and very cute). The posters in the background are from the 'Indie Rock Poster Book'.


Close up of the Poms.

I had been planning on buying myself some Muji drawers (those ones you see on ALL the 'make-up collection and storage' youtube videos) but when I discovered the Muji shop had closed in Leeds my Mum got me this simple box-with-dividers set up instead. To make it look a bit less like something for storing paper-clips I simply pasted pictures out of magazines and made these creepy/fabulous faces. I then slathered the whole thing in glitter and sequins and called it a day. You could really use anything to decorate a box like this so get yourself to Hobbycraft and go to town!

Close up on the freaky faces.

Demonstrating the opening mechanism - technical stuff

My unimpressive make-up collection.


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