Friday 19 September 2014

Friday Playlist - Guilty Pleasures

Whether we're willing to admit it or not, we all have those songs in our music collections that we're cripplingly embarrassed by. They taint your otherwise *impeccable* music taste, you pray they won't turn up on shuffle when your friends are in the room and they prompt you to make excuses like 'oh yeah I used to like that when I was about 13, oh 2007....' or 'oh that, that just synced from my parents iTunes' but secretly - you love them. Now here we are about to share our own secret embarrassments, on record, on the internet, for all of you to see - well, here go's nothing.


Disclaimer: I have a pretty varied music taste so what others consider to be a cheesy 'guilty pleasure' I would probably happily admit to enjoying - for example my Mum suggested I include Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' I LOVE THAT SONG and I don't care who knows it. In light of this, this playlist turned out to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be - believe me these are the tip of the embarrassing ice-berg!

1. JLS - One Shot

This is most definitely one of those songs described above that makes you reminisce about your youth (or 2010) and then ironically sing along, except I would, and have, listened to this in my room alone... ahh. Its completely unoriginal boy-band crap, with naff YOLO filled lyrics and a side-step based dance routine - the video even has rubbish special effects - but I actually really enjoy every bit of it.

2. Nickelback - Rockstar

Whether you loved it or hated it there was a time in 2006 when this was the biggest song in the world. As it went, everyone loved it, played it to death, learnt every word and then about two weeks later everyone despised it. Often cited as the perfect example of why everyone hates Nickelback so much, years later I have kind of funnily come back around to this one. Its definitely an abomination but I still know every word and when it manages to sneak out of pop cultures dark corners from time to time I won't hesitate to sing along.

3. David Guetta & Showtek feat. Vassy - 'Bad'

A more recent entry in comparison to all the naughties pop, I don't just like this song - I am obsessed by it. I imagine most of us between the ages of 17 and 25 will have had our fair share of drunken nights out soundtracked by David Guetta, shouting the lyrics and flinging ourselves around in an attempt at dancing but I doubt most of us have listened to this in the morning or in the evening over  a cup of tea. I have done both. I've requested it in clubs, I've listened to it ten times in a row, I love it. I'll leave it at that.

4.Kate Winslet - 'What If'

 Most people probably don't know that Kate Winslet once launched a fairly short-lived singing career in 2001 or that this ballad was the product of it. I remember as a child this was the last track on NOW 50 (hehe) and it really pulled on my seven year old heartstrings. It was the soundtrack to the 2001 animated Christmas Carol and over ten years later the the seven year old within me still sheds a silent tear over this guilty pleasure.

5. Daniel Bedingfield - 'If You're Not the One'

Ahhh what a classic. I was almost unsure about calling this one a 'guilty' pleasure because I'm pretty sure this is universally recognised as an amazing song - or is that just me? Either way once I'd thought of it I had to include it, if only as an excuse to listen to it on repeat a couple of times Those vocals are so difficult yet so satisfying to try and imitate - 'IS THERE ANY WAY THAT I COULD STAY IN YOUR AAAAAAAARMS?' - ah god I love it. Bedingfield himself describes the song as 'cheesy' with 'sappy lyrics and meek tune', he then in the same interview, went on to compare himself to Bob Dylan - nuff said.


I came up with the theme for this weeks friday playist but I didn't know how hard it would be to think of my 5 songs. Because I usually listen to rock and metal people are often surprised when I like something a bit different but I enjoy listening to different things sometimes (I ain't no music snob!). So for today's playlist I am swapping metal bands for boybands, enjoy!

1. 5 Seconds of Summer – 'She Looks So Perfect'

Okay, I publicly admit it, I like 5 seconds of summer! I like rock and metal but I just can’t help but like them (damn my inner teenage fan girl). I used to hear this song on the music channel and I would leave it on because my mum said she liked it, but secretly I liked it too. Their songs are super catchy and I admit I fancy the pants of all of them (especially Michael). Shoutout to my friends Megan and Sally who I listen to 5sos with, and are also secret 5sos lovers.

2.Chad Kroeger ft. Josey Scott - 'Hero'

This has been a guilty pleasure of mine for a long time, you can’t deny the vocals on this song are awesome. Me and daisy agreed anything that’s Nickleback/Chad Kroeger is definitely a guilty pleasure, but the fact it’s a Spiderman ballad does redeem it slightly… or maybe it doesn’t. Regardless I still love this song and the massive notes in it.

3. Conchita Wurst - 'Rise Like a Phoenix'

 I had to include this song because it’s just brilliant. It’s not I song I would regularly listen to, but me and mum love to blast this out in the car. We got really into Eurovision this year and we loved Conchita, although Lordi are still my favourite Eurovision entry for obvious reasons. Mum decided to buy her song which I regularly forget is on our iTunes, so it makes me chuckle every time it comes on. Plus you can’t beat a good Eurovision power ballad - especially sung by a gorgeous woman with a beard.

4. Glee Cast – 'Dream On'

This song is a guilty pleasure because it’s a glee cover, but the original song is obviously already awesome. The vocals in this cover are amazing, Matthew Morrison and Neil Patrick-Harris pull off the high note at the end perfectly. It’s a song you can easily mime and look like a complete fool to, which is always a good thing.

5. Backstreet Boys – 'Everybody (Backstreet's Back)'

This is an iconic song from my childhood, it came out the year I was born but I still love it now.  I have this song on my phone purely for the nostalgia; it puts me in a good mood. I also love the video; anything with a Halloween haunted house theme is good by me!

Thanks for joining us on our cheesy journey through the last 20 years! Hopefully you will find as much guilty pleasure in these tracks as we have.

-Daisy and Lily

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