Monday 19 January 2015

Monday Madness: Top Ten(ish) Sexiest Roman Emperors - Part II

Here it is, the follow up you've all been waiting for - its sexiest Emperors part II! If you didn't see part one you can have a look HERE for a full introduction to this little series and the first 5 sexy Roman rulers. We left off with Commodus at #5 and I'm going to jump straight back in now with a little bit more Julio-Claudian dynasty man meat...

#6 Nero

5th Emperor of the Roman Empire, 54-68 BC

Now last time we explored the idea of the sexy Roman bad boy with Emperor Caligula, however, his Nephew Nero is on a whole other level. If you like your men bad to the point of completely un-hinged, psychotic, possibly-the-devil-incarnate type levels then Nero is the guy for you. There is almost no end to the crazy stories about how evil he really was so here's just a little taste; he executed his mother, he forced a young man to be castrated and then married him (and called him by his dead wifes name), he is said to have started the great fire of Rome himself - notoriously playing the lyre while Rome burned around him and he famously persecuted Christians by dipping them in oil and using them as human candles in his garden at night time.Those are just a sample of some of the more well known stories so believe me when I say that Nero was almost certainly 100 per cent batshit crazy. There are even some who believed then, and some that still do now, that Nero was the Antichrist himself, with some scholars contending that the number 666 in the Book of Revelation is a code for Nero. His diabolical nature made him a legend, so ladies if you're really serious about the bad-boy thing and you think the Devil is kind of sexy in a damming and forbidden way - Nero is the ultimate secret crush.

#7 Marcus Aurelius 

16th Emperor of the Roman Empire, 161-180 AD

On the other end of the scale we have all round good guy Marcus Aurelius. Marcus is the last of the five 'Good Emperors' and considered one of the most important stoic philosophers. He is considered a great Emperor with both military and political victories under his belt, extreme intelligence and the respect of the people - hes really is the thinking woman's crumpet and a classic sexy older man. He's really a great all rounder of superb brains, brawn and moral virtue and during his 30 year marriage to wife Faustina managed to produce 13 children, so he's definitely got no problems in the trouser department! He's basically the good guy to lust after, and if you need any more persuading just check out those luscious locks. 

#8 Claudius

4th Emperor of the Roman Empire, 41-54 BC

Now this ones a bit of a mystery. Ancient historians provide multiple conflicting accounts of Claudius, so much so that its almost impossible to tell what he was really like. Some paint him as bloodthirsty and cruel, overly fond of gladiatorial combat and executions while others describe how he was humble and often dined with plebeians. Some say he was overly trusting and easily manipulated while others say he was paranoid and quick to anger. Either way he was married four times (five if you count Livia Medullina who died suddenly on their wedding day) so he certainly knew how to woo the ladies. He was also said to be highly devoted to and politically influenced by his wives - respect for strong women, I like it. Plus everyone loves a mystery and Claudius is certainly that. 

Okay guys, I'll level with you. I have been working on this for a while now and I am convinced that there are no more sexy Emperors I can write about!! I mean there are plenty of interesting ones but they look like this.. 




I'm not going to try and bend it some way in order to convince you that these three are attractive so I think its best to leave it here! I've really enjoyed writing these two pieces so I may well end up doing something similar in the future and again attempt to make History sexy! Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed and sorry I had to cop out at the end! 

Daisy. X

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