Monday 23 February 2015

Monday Madness: YouTube makeup artists #2

Hello Lily here, again bringing you some awesome YouTubers. I subscribe to so many amazing makeup artists that this is the second part to this post, as I couldn't fit them all into one. you can find the first part to this post here which includes; Madeyewlook by Lex, Promise Phan, Klaire de lys, Pinkstylist and Emma pickles. But now for 4 more awesome artists for you to watch, so again, sit back and watch some more truly amazing artwork! and to find more videos from each artist just click their names and go subscribe to their channels!
Warning!!: More gore this week!

'Glam & Gore' - Mykie

Starting off with my favourite - (sorry for the blatant favouritism), Mykie is an absolutely amazing LA based makeup artist that I have been subscribed to for a while now. She does both beauty and sfx tutorials hence the Glam & Gore, and she's just the coolest person. Her looks are always so unique and amazing which is what I love about her channel, I also love it because she is a little crazy and hilarious - which is my kind of person! She was definitely an inspiration for me to start doing sfx makeup. I had such a hard time choosing the videos to post on here because they're all so good! but here are a few of my favourites that I think reflect what you can expect from her channel:

This most recent video was especially useful for me as i'm one of the palest people ever.

This is one of my favourite sfx videos because it's so funny and still so good!

Bonnie Corban sfx

Bonnie is an Australian makeup artist I started following after I decided I wanted to do sfx makeup, and I'm so glad I came across her channel because she does awesome makeup looks, that use a variety of materials and techniques. I have definitely used her channel for tips and ideas of how to create my own looks using certain products and ideas she has recommended. She has a huge range of tutorials on all different kinds of sfx makeup that are really helpful for both beginners and those more advanced. Below are some of my favourite and most impressive of her looks: 

Ellimacs sfx makeup

Elimacs is another channel I have recently subscribed to that do amazing and really realistic gory sfx looks, from zombies to open wounds  - This channel is definitely gore heavy which is one of the things I like about it. I also love how realistic and detailed each look is done by the artist Ellinor Rosander, every look is so impressive to watch and aren't afraid to be a bit more out that and shocking. Another thing I love is the man that narrates these videos, I'm not sure who he is, but he always cracks me up and adds a bit more fun to the videos. Below are some of my favourite and again, goriest looks: 

Kiana Jones sfx

Kiana is another Australian makeup artist I subscribe to, she does weekly videos alongside doing a PhD in visual art. Her channel is really good for learning and watching how prosthetics are made and applied which I hope to start doing soon. Her work is also a lot of really realistic looking gore and wounds which are really helpful when learning. I chose 3 videos that show the different types of tutorial she does including, prosthetics, gore and character makeup. 

Hope you enjoyed these artists and their amazing work, and maybe even found new YouTube channels to subscribe to. Dais will be back here on Wednesday to give you an all new Wednesday fashion challenge!
Lily x

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