Hola! Daisy here with some sassy and summer-ready outfits from retailer Joe Browns. I find that when I'm feeling especially skint internet window shopping is in equal measures a great source of joy and perhaps the greatest torture ever invented. Joe Browns clothes are pretty much made for summer, with all the tasty retro, boho and out-there flavours I do like to enjoy at this time of year - these clothes aren't for the faint-hearted, but who wants to play it safe when the suns out? I was about to make some terrible joke involving Nelly's 'Hot in Herre' but I'll restrain myself, I hope you like my virtual outfits - enjoy...
You can find all of the following pieces here at Joe Browns:
Joe Browns
OF COUUURSE we couldn't really talk about British summer without festivals - I cannot wait for festival season! I'm off to Beatherder (again, *squeel*) this July and these pieces are definitely on my dream clothing wishlist.
Garden Party
Whether its a formal affair, a back garden BBQ or a couple of beers and a crap paddling pool with your friends you want to be looking cute. Here's how...
Summer in the City
Now, of course the whole of summer can't be spent lolling around in the grass (boo!), so here's some slick and sexy bits to make you look sassy in the city.
Well I don't know about you but I may or may not be drooling right now. Hope you liked my picks, I think they were pretty spectacular (*toots own trumpet*), here's the link for Joe Browns again:
Joe Browns
Happy Tuesday all,